Monday, July 7, 2014

Late Monday Update

Today's been quite eventful, as one could expect.  We woke up to the AMAZING smell of Soledad's cooking.  (This trip, instead of staying in the casita that we usually stay in, we are in the large house owned by the founder of the children's home and his wife, Soledad).  After eating, we headed over and did some painting.

The wall we painted was red to begin with--it is ultimately to become light yellow, like much of the rest of the home.

After painting, we did lunch with the kids and taught our first lesson set.  Thank you all SO much for the prayers--the lessons seemed to be taken well and to go well.

I have quite a bit more to say, but I'm falling asleep as I type, so that will wait for tomorrow.  Keep our lessons and devotions in your prayers--thanks!

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